Advanced Negotiation Skills Training - Why Attend?
Advanced Negotiation Skills Training – Sometimes during a Negotiation you may need to “borrow” certain behaviour styles that do not come naturally to you to achieve a result.
Attending this Advanced Negotiation skills training course will significantly increase your own Self Awareness and enable you to fully understand your “go to” negotiation style. Utilising the Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI) tool through a series of assessments and exercises you will fully understand your own core values and what motivates you. More importantly you will gain the ability to be able to “read” others and be able to influence negotiation situations accordingly.
Who Should attend?
Experienced negotiators from Procurement, Sales, Marketing and HR (not an exhaustive list!) who are looking to sharpen and improve their skills in areas such as Emotional Intelligence (EQ), Self Awareness, Persuasion and Influencing, effectively leveraging power and the ability to flex their style and borrow behaviours to achieve the right results.
Course Objectives
For all delegates:
- To significantly increase their own Self Awareness and to be able to interpret others.
- To be completely flexible in Negotiation style and be able to significantly influence a negotiation.
- To be able to “borrow” behaviours and persuasion / influencing tools that may not be their natural approach.
- To appreciate how Global Negotiations need to be approached differently and to obtain skills and techniques to improve their ability in this area.
- Through Role Play exercises practice the key attributes of a skilled negotiator in a safe environment
- To get the best result for the delegate and the Organisation, always.
Training Methodology
Our tutors are all FCIPS / MCIPS qualified teachers who have extensive experience of Negotiations across numerous industries including Automotive, Retail, Food / FMCG, Finance to name but a few. Collectively our training team have delivered across all levels to hundreds of delegates, both domestic and Global, over the last decade.
Additionally, our tutors are very well versed in the delivery and observation of role play scenarios. Constructive feedback from role plays will form some of the most important learning for delegates from this two day course which delegates will remember and gain from in the long term.
The course will be extremely participative and exercise driven, with many relevant examples and anecdotes provided to bring practice and theory to life.
Benefits of Attending
Upon completion of this course every delegate will be able to:
- Prepare and plan for a negotiation and all eventualities thoroughly
- Have increased confidence and assertiveness
- Improve their Self Awareness and self understanding.
- Increase their Awareness and application of Emotional Intelligence
- Enhance their skills and ability to negotiate Globally
- Practice all skills learned in a safe environment via a series of role plays, allowing delegates to reflect, review and continuously improve
Improving your negotiation Skills