Individual Experience and Competency Review
Here at SR Strategic Sourcing we recognise that the effective delivery of results is a reflection of a capable, fully trained and developed motivated team. Through spending time with our client’s employees and the use of our Experience and Competency Framework Tool our experienced consultants will identify individual strengths and possible opportunities for further development, which will then be consolidated into an individual and team report and focussed development plan.
Skills Matrices
From a thorough understanding of your organisation and working together with your senior procurement team we will develop a bespoke skills matrix relevant to your organisation reflecting the current position of every individual within your procurement team. This effective tool will enable you to track the development of each individual and the team as a whole.
Business Focussed Bespoke Training
To meet identified individual and team developmental needs, we will create and deliver a suite of bespoke business focussed training relevant to your requirements, e.g. Advanced Negotiation, Risk Management, Global Procurement etc.
Coaching and Mentoring
Some initially may not believe it but any employee, from any organisation, will benefit from any external coaching experience. The opportunity to hold sessions with an external experienced procurement professional can prove to be invaluable for both employees and organisations, closed doors can be unlocked, blockers removed and potential unleashed!! This somewhat intangible service could possibly yield the greatest return on training investment that your organisation will ever do If this is of interest, please contact us to discuss and we will be happy to help.